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JCI Dragon x JCI North District - May Monthly Fellowship Gathering << Business Cambo>>

Chapter: JCI North District
Date: 2024-05-21
Time: 19:00 - 22:30
Location: Loong Yuen (龍苑) Holiday Inn, TST
Fee: 480

JCI Dragon x JCI North District - May Monthly Fellowship Gathering << Business Cambo>>

We sincerely invite you to join JCI Dragon x JCI North District - May Monthly Fellowship Gathering with details as follows:

???? Event Details????


Registration: 18:30

Time: 19:00 - 22:30

Venue: Loong Yuen (龍苑) Holiday Inn, TST

Dress Code: Business AttireFee: HK$480

Please deposit your payment to:
Junior Chamber International North District Limited

Bank: HSBC
Account:  039-092564-002
FPS: 9348798

And send the payment slip to Kathleen Lok (6771-8417)

*Please state your JCI Chapter and name and event name in remarks, e.g. DJC/ Felix Wong/ DJC X NDJC May MFG.*

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact:

Project chairman:Felix Wong (6825-9922)
Registration: Ken Sio (9625-1623)