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Message from National President 2024

For the past 74 years, we have been providing different leadership opportunities to empower young people to create positive change. We have also been engaging different partners, the government and corporations together to tackle various social issues. As the largest international youth organization, JCI plays a very important role for the development of a better Hong Kong. I am honored to become your National President and continue the JC Movement with you all in the year of 2024.

"Connect to Evolve" is the theme of JCI Hong Kong in this year. We encourages 21 local chapters and more than 2,000 members to prioritize building relationships, collaborating with others, and embracing new ideas in order to evolve and grow. By working together and learning from one another, we can achieve great things.

We at JCI, global network of young leaders with same value and mission, located in different country, working on verities projects, members can know the difference and advantage form different location that have JC movement. With the unique international platform of JCI, we open another gateway for our young members to connect with the world . Members must look for opportunities beyond the city. And we have to be adapted at telling the world the good stories of Hong Kong and let Hong Kong shine in the world.

All in all, year 2024 marks JCI Hong Kong to further her contribution and devotion to both our community, Mainland China and worldwide. We will continue to do our best for the betterment of JC movement and better future of our next generation. Let us "Connect to Evolve", we can amplify our impact and “make a difference” in our communities and beyond.

Senator Ben Mak

2024 National President

Junior Chamber International Hong Kong