JCI Queensway is one of the 21 local chapters of JCIHK. It was formed, for the first time in the history of JCIHK, by a group of prospective members with the assistance of a few senior members in 1984. JCI Queensway is a mixed chapter using English as the official language. Originally it is formed with the individuals from a variety of professions. It seeks to harness this diversity to create positive change. Over the years, JCI Queensway has been actively involved in various projects with the aim of serving the community as well as providing training to its members. Now our aim targets at caring about the community, serving and rewarding the community.
We Lead and Empower our members to actively engage with the chapter and grow to be leaders, fostering a genuine sense of pride in being part of JCI Queensway.
Meanwhile, JCI Queensway feels proud of each member’s action to benefit and uplift the chapter. We Articulate our vision with Determination, calling for a sense of responsibility, involvement, and positive impact on the chapter and to society.
Together, we say I am proud of JCI Queensway.