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JCI Hong Kong National Training & Development Commission Presents:
Trainer Mentorship Program 2024


????Kick-off Ceremony and Workshop

Date: 16 March 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00 - 17:00 (Registration starts at 13:30)
Venue: JC Office 
Speaker: 2002 National President Senator Tony Chan 

Equip yourself through the workshop:

- ⁠How to prepare yourself to be a Good Trainer

- Useful tips on training skills and techniques

- Getting ready to prepare and deliver your training

- Get to know who will be your Mentor

Registeration: Please click HERE or scan the QR code on the above poster

Remarks: LOM representatives are welcome to join the kick-off ceremony for free, for the workshop, it's only open for successful registered TMP Trainees/ Participants 

❓For Enquiries

????NTDC Vice Chairman Michelle Yau (michelle.yau@jcihk.org)

????NTDC Chairman Senator Claudia Chor (claudia.chor@jcihk.org)


Over the years, this program has had tremendous help from the following mentors. We would like hereby express our sincere gratitude to all: