國際青年商會(香港總會) 培訓師資料庫

- Find the trainer you need with just 3 clicks
- Search for trainers by specialty
- Training history available for both within and outside of JCI
- Self-service platform: Records are updated by Local Chapter representatives
Q1: Where can I access the Trainer Database?
A: It can be accessed within the "Member Resources Area". Once you are in, click on the "Trainer Search" option on the left navigation menu.
Q3: And how can I update trainer information?
Q2: How do I search for trainers?
A: Here is a guide. It takes 3 clicks to find your trainer!

Q3: And how can I update trainer information?
A: A step-by-step guide is available here on YouTube. Please note that all submitted changes will first need to be approved by NTDC before they become available in the database.